The criteria for the Conference Vetting System (CVS) were updated on 1st July 2024 to better meet industry requirements and stakeholder expectations. These updates aim to objectivize the criteria, facilitate interpretation, and increase predictability. The reviewed criteria emphasize on the principles and requirements, recognizing that the image and perception projected to the public when the industry wishes to support a particular event are key determinants in the assessment decisions under CVS. If you are interested in attending a webinar, please let us know through this link.
Each educational Event submitted under the Conference Vetting System for assessment is evaluated by the Compliance Officer in accordance with the principles and standards set out in the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice. Image and perception projected to the public when industry wishes to support a particular Event are determinant in the assessment decisions under CVS.
Compliance Officers and the Compliance Panel (in case of appeals) evaluate each case independently on its own merit. Developments in the compliance environment, scrutiny by media and the public and outcomes of reviews undertaken by MedTech are taken into consideration in each individual case.
Previous compliant assessments of an event, its location and/or venue should not be interpreted as an assurance that subsequent editions of the same event, or that other future events in the same location and/or venue, will be assessed compliant as well.
If you need more guidance, follow the Guide or watch the Video trainings posted in the Resources section of the website.
Assessment outcomes are binding for all Member companies. For the avoidance of doubt, Member companies can support Third-Party Educational Events if the final outcome is Compliant and cannot support Third- Party Educational Events if the final outcome is one of the following:
- Not Compliant,
- Not Assessed – Late submission,
- Not Assessed – Insufficient Information.
Importantly, please note that:
- The rendered decisions are based on the documents and information provided in English to the Compliance Officer via the online submission form. The Compliance Officer does not independently verify whether the information or documents are up-to-date.
- Web links are not sufficient, submitters must make sure they upload the pdf or word scientific programme, and a clear summary of what the fees for participants include precisely, with details on venue and format of all meals included and all activities covered by the fees for participants (format and venue).
- Decisions do not take into account nor supplant national and local laws, regulations or professional and company codes that may impose more stringent requirements upon members or Healthcare organisations or Healthcare Professionals.
- Educational Event scientific programme sessions are reviewed, but not the value of their scientific content.
- The sole purpose of the System is to assist corporate members in determining whether or not to sponsor third party educational Events.
The educational programme in English should present a clear schedule with no gaps during the Event scientific sessions.
- A minimum of 6 hours for a full conference day and 3 hours for a half day is required.
- When an event is spread over more than one day, the programme will be looked holistically and can be deemed compliant even if the first or last day lasts less than 3 hours. For instance, a 2-day congress on Saturday and Sunday may start on a Friday evening to accommodate the travel. In that case, the Friday evening may include a scientific programme shorter than 3 hours.
- Only the scientific sessions with reasonable breaks will be considered in the duration of the scientific programme (i.e. excludes networking events, opening ceremony, lunch, dinner…)
- The faculty for each session must be identified, the session topics must be serious medical subjects related to the therapeutic area of the conference.
- Do not wait to have the final programme to make an Event submission : a preliminary scientific programme or programme at a glance, if sufficiently detailed, can be provided in confidentiality to the Compliance Officers via the communication box in the online form.
- A complete programme must be provided via the online form closer to the date of the Event mentioning all related activities planned during the conference (scientific and social programme).
The relevance of the programme – The programme content should directly relate to specialty and/or medical practice of the HCP who will attend the Event or have a sufficiently reasonable relationship to justify the attendance of the HCPs.
- Minor components of the agenda content relating to non-medical topics, such as communication skills, practice management, and speaking and presentation skills are acceptable.
- Non-medical topics should be relevant in the context of the overall theme and agenda of the conference.
- Non-medical topics should never become the main or an important attraction of the conference.
The geographic location – The geographic location should not be the main attraction of the conference. Each geographic location is assessed against several criteria:
- Scientific or business centre – The geographic location should be in or near a city or town which is a scientific or business centre conducive to the exchange of ideas and the transmission of knowledge. The perceived image of the location must not be luxury, or tourist/holiday-oriented, or a location associated with entertainment.
- National capitals and major cities are strongly recommended.
- The central location – Taking into account the place of origin of HCP delegates, the geographic location must be centrally located. If the HCP delegates are primarily from one country, the geographic location of the Event should be in that country. If the participants are from multiple countries, then a country affording ease of access for participants should be chosen.
- In addition, the country selected for the Event should be the residence of at least some of the Healthcare participants of the meeting.
- The ease of access – The geographic location should have ease of access for the attendees (for example, close proximity to airports, train stations, highways) and have good ground transportation infrastructure.
In addition, the time of the year will be taken into account in determining if a geographic location is appropriate.
- European and international Events taking place in destinations renowned for winter sports during the ski season – December 20 to March 31- are not compliant.
- European and international Events taking place in destinations renowned primarily as seasonal vacation or holiday destination (island resorts, beach resorts, lakes and other geographic locations renowned for tourism) during the summer season – June 15 to September 15 – are not compliant.
- The above applies even when the location meets all other applicable requirements under the Code.
If the location is predominantly a touristic or holiday destination, it may still be considered non-compliant even outside the above-mentioned periods.
The conference venue should be a business or commercial center with providing conference facilities conducive to the exchange of scientific and medical information and the transmission of knowledge. The image of the venue among the public, media and authorities cannot be perceived as luxury, touristic/holiday and/or entertainment/leisure facility.
- Under no circumstances are to be considered compliant as Event venues:
- Spa and resort hotels (hotel part of a complex offering significant recreational, amusement or sporting facilities) or hotel with beach access or on-site casino.
- Hotel with golf club/course (owned or operated by the hotel) or cruise ship.
- When offering the proper conference facilities for an Event, museums and stadiums can be considered compliant venues as far as:
- They should not be the main attraction of the conference
- They have a separate entrance to the conference centre, and
- No free entrance or discounted tickets are included in the registration fee, and
- For stadiums, no concurrent entertainment event is taking place during the conference.
- CVS does not look into the financial advantage that a venue rental may present.
- Exceptions might be considered for venues well adapted to business meetings in an otherwise compliant geographic location where there is a compelling need to use the chosen venue, for example, a lack of alternative venues or genuine security issues. In certain circumstances, hotel accommodation separate from the Third-Party Organised Event venue might be required for compliance (Q&A 6, MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice).
- Under no circumstances are to be considered compliant as Event venues:
Hospitality covers accommodation, meals/breaks and receptions (opening reception, gala dinner, networking event, get-together, etc). It is important to differentiate hospitality, which is permitted, and entertainment, which is not. CVS only looks at the hospitality that is covered by the registration fees.
- The reasonableness of hospitality – Hospitality should be modest and incidental and limited to reasonable hotel accommodation, venues and meals (coffee breaks, lunches, conference dinners, cocktail reception, gala dinners that all HCP delegates are expected to attend for example).
- The hospitality offered to spouses, partners, family and/or guests – This category of person may not benefit from hospitality sponsored by MedTech Europe members.
- Any hospitality offered to them must be the subject of a separate charge which may not be paid for, nor reimbursed by MedTech Europe members.
- The appropriateness of accommodation – MedTech Europe members funds to a third-party Event cannot be used to pay for or reimburse HCP lodging expenses at top category, luxury or spa or resort hotels.
- We do not assess a location as per the staring system, rather we look at the amenities offered by the hotel.
- Offering different category of hotels for HCPs benefiting from industry grants is recommended.
- Accommodation and/or other services provided to HCP delegates should not cover a period of stay beyond the official duration of the Event.
- Participants registration fees – The registration fees for participants should cover only the scientific programme, authorised activities and hospitality. All activities and meals covered by the registration fees must be listed and clarified via the submission form.
- Give-aways such as tablets or any other form of gift are not compliant.
- Childcare services may be available on site to delegates but this service must be charged.
- The social programme – Any social, sporting and/or leisure activities or other forms of entertainment must be outside of the programme schedule and paid for separately by the HCP delegates.
Social programme should never interfere with the overall scientific content of the programme and must be held during times that do not overlap with scientific sessions. Additionally, activities including entertainment or live music must always be subject to a separate fee and this information must be made clear in the programme or website of the Event.
- Entertainment includes but is not limited to live music, dancing, cultural visits or exhibitions, sight-seeing trips, excursions, sporting Events and other leisure arrangements.
- Any touristic/leisure/cultural activities during educational hours should not be available for HCPs benefiting from industry funds.
- Spouses, partners, family and/or guests’ packages may not be paid for by MedTech Europe Members – This category of person may not register for the Event or participate in the scientific programme (unless the spouse is a qualified HCP with a legitimate interest in the programme).
The website of the Event and the program advertising – Advertising support (brochures, website and other materials) should highlight the scientific nature of the programme content. They should not emphasize the geographic location and should not make excessive or inappropriate references to or contain images of entertainment, sporting events or other non-scientific activities.
- A valid link to the official Event website must be provided via the submission form to assess communication.
- Event websites should not focus on touristic visuals of the destination (landscape, landmarks, monuments) but focus on the scientific/ therapeutic area relating to the Event.
- No material promoting the destination of the Event (tourism pictures or information) should be hosted on the website. Only practical travel information (how to reach the conference venue or where to find accommodation) can be hosted on the website of the Event.
- There should be no reference to any temporary events (temporary exhibition, sport competition, …) taking place at the Location.