Who is entitled to make an event submission in the system?
For events that are in scope of e4ethics (EFPIA members) only, please refer to this link.
The following categories of stakeholders may submit an event for assessment:
- MedTech Europe corporate members; Mecomed members; EFPIA corporate members;
- MedTech Europe national associations and associate members (please note that Members of the national associations who are not direct corporate members of MedTech Europe may only file a submission through their national association); EFPIA national associations;
- Healthcare Organisations (HCOs) including hospitals;
- Professional Conference Organisers (PCOs).
How to determine which events are eligible to be assessed under CVS?
CVS does not review national events meaning third party organised events attended by delegates who are local HCPs only.
- Tips: Please note that it is the passive participants (i.e. delegates) that determines the cross-border or international nature of an event and not the active participants (i.e. Faculty).
CVS reviews international medical education events taking place within the MedTech Europe geographic scope; this means third party organised educational events attended by delegates coming from at least two countries of Medtech Europe geographic scope and international events taking place outside the MedTech Europe geographic area attended by delegates who are HCPs registered and practicing in the MedTech geographic area.
Generally, tradeshows do not fall in scope of CVS when such events offer only promotional exhibitions, with no educational sessions. The MedTech Europe Code, and therefore, CVS is only applicable to medical devices as regulated under the MDR/IVR regulations. Companies do not need CVS approval to support a veterinary event as the topic is out of scope of the CVS.
Tip: In order to determine which events are eligible to be submitted in CVS, please take the following guiding principles into account:
- The MedTech Europe member making the submission is sponsoring through an educational grant the attendance of HCPs coming from at least two different countries;
- The Medtech Europe member making the submission is sponsoring through an educational grant at least one HCP from outside the country where the event is taking place;
- The event organiser indicates clearly in its brochure, website or other easily accessible event materials that HCPs from more than one country will attend or have been invited to attend the event;
- Clear written information has been received by the MedTech Europe member from a serious source, such as another member or a MedTech task force, confirming that HCPs from more than one country will attend the event.
In which case is a CVS assessment required? (click on the chart to enlarge)
Please refer to the MedTech Europe Code of Ethical Business Practice Annex I