Conference Vetting System

Submit a Conference in CVS 2.0

The Conference Vetting System (CVS) Team is happy to announce that the new CVS 2.0 platform has been released.  The platform is tailored to ensure a more intuitive interface and streamline the communication, representing a leap forward in the Conference Vetting process.

Please note that only Events in scope of MedTech Europe and e4ethics can be submitted in the new platform. For events taking place in Mecomed region, please continue to submit on the old CVS platform until further notice. For issues related to the Mecomed submissions, please contact Ruba Khasati ( from Mecomed team.

It will be possible to submit new Events in the new platform as from 9 September 2024. Events submitted in the old platform after 15 September 2024 will not be assessed.

In order to ensure as smooth a transition as possible  to  the new CVS 2.0, trainings will be delivered during September. Please register at the following link:

The recording of the training and the training materials will be available in this page.

How to submit your Event in CVS 2.0

The new platform: 

1.       You will need to register and create a new profile :

2.       Once you have created a profile, you can log in and submit a new event. The information to be provided is very similar to what you used to provide in the previous system.

Click on “Save and Next” when you want to save your changes. Click on “Next” when you just want to scroll from one page to another one without saving.

3.       The status of the events will be visible on this link too: