Conference Vetting System
Transparent MedTech
Ethical Charter
Guidance and Presentations
Video Trainings
National Associations’ Codes
Available Material
MedTech Europe Code
MedTech Europe - Code of Ethical Business Practice
Summary of the MedTech Europe Code
MedTech Europe Code - One Pager (2023)
French translation of the MedTech Europe Code (March 2022)
French translation of the MedTech Europe Code (February 2019)
German translation of the MedTech Europe Code (March 2017)
Italian translation of the MedTech Europe Code (December 2016)
Training material
MedTech Europe Code: Back to basics (September 2023)
MedTech Europe Code Training slides (March 2022)
MedTech Europe Code Training slides - Changes (March 2022)
Ethical MedTech Webinar: CVS & e4ethics requirements and deadlines (November 2021)
Presentation at IPCAA (March 2019)
Presentation – European Healthcare Compliance Program, Seton Hall (November 2018)
CVS 2.0 and reviewed criteria Training Slides deck
CVS Assessment Criteria - Overview of the changes 072024
Training material (in French)
Présentation e4ethics - Séminaire LEEM / CODEEM (October 2021)
Webinar sur l’organisation de congrès médicaux en France - Nouvelles règles européennes et leur application en France (Mars 2019)
Guidance virtual events (October 2020)
Addressing the shift towards virtual Third-Party Organised Educational Conferences (July 2020)
Guidance for Professional Congress Organisers (March 2018)
Brochures for HCPs and HCOs (2020)
HCP leaflet - French version
HCO leaflet - French version
Brochures for HCPs
HCP leaflet - English version
HCP leaflet - German version
HCP Leaflet - Spanish version
HCP Leaflet - Croatian version
HCP Leaflet - Italian version
HCP Leaflet - Slovakian version
HCP Leaflet - Turkish version
HCP Leaflet - Hungarian version
HCP Leaflet - Portuguese (Apormed version)
HCP Leaflet - Polish version
Brochures for HCOs
HCO Leaflet - English version
HCO Leaflet - German version
HCO Leaflet - Spanish version
HCO Leaflet - Croatian version
HCO Leaflet - Italian version
HCO Leaflet - Slovakian version
HCO Leaflet - Hungarian version
HCO Leaflet - Polish version
Useful templates
Modèle de contrat de subvention à caractère éducatif / Educational Grant Agreement Template (version bilingue FR/EN)
Educational Grant Agreement
Educational Grant Request
Template Letter from Member companies to HCPs/HCOs
PCO Financial Support Agreement
Transparent MedTech
User manual
Declaration template
Webinar: New Transparent MedTech platform (May 14th 2020)
MedTech Europe Code - Disclosure Guidelines (version January 2023)
FAQs on Medical Technology Industry's Support to Medical Education
English version
German version
Italian version
French version
Czech version
Slovakian version
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